An Introduction to Zig

Zig is a programming language built on the LLVM compiler infrastructure that intends to be more pragmatic than C, with equivalent or better performance.

Pragmatic: At the end of the day, all that really matters is whether the language helped you do what you were trying to do better than any other language.

Optimal: The most natural way to write a program should result in top-of-the-line runtime performance, equivalent to or better than C. In places where performance is king, the optimal code should be clearly expressible.

Safe: Optimality may be sitting in the driver's seat, but safety is sitting in the passenger's seat, wearing its seatbelt, and asking nicely for the other passengers to do the same.

Readable: Zig prioritizes reading code over writing it. Avoid complicated syntax. Generally there should be a canonical way to do everything.


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