
  • unsigned integers: u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, @
  • signed integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, @
  • single and double precision floats: f32, f64
  • arrays and slices: [n]T, []T


// values.zig

const io = @import("std").io;

pub fn main(args: [][]const u8) -> %void {
    // Declarations can be annotated with type
    const id: u64 = 1337;
    // Compiler can infer the type in some cases
    const name = "Zig"; // []const u8
    // Value of age and height are mutable, name and id are constant
    var age: u8 = 27;
    var height = 192.2; // f32

    // Arguments can be passed to printf to format a string.
    %%io.stdout.printf("Hello, {}! You are {}\n", name, age);


// operators.zig

const io = @import("std").io;

pub fn main(args: [][]const u8) -> %void {

    // Integer addition and subtraction
    %%io.stdout.printf("1 + 2 = {}", u32(1) + 2);
    %%io.stdout.printf("1 - 2 = {}", i32(1) - 2);

    // Boolean logic
    %%io.stdout.printf("true AND false is {}", true and false);
    %%io.stdout.printf("true OR false is {}", true or false);
    %%io.stdout.printf("NOT true is {}", !true);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""